Upgrades Included In Ditto Firmware Revision 2015Mar12a
- Added Hash action support for Destination disk partitions (All, 1, 2, etc).
- New improved Preview, HexView, Logical Image selection, etc web page and dialog infrastructure.
- Added System configuration setting to enable logging of Preview / HexView activity.
- Added option for Remembering Destination Network connections (ie. iSCSI-Dx, NFS-Dx, and SMB-Dx) across reboot to support QuickStart to network connections. Note, network connection credentials are not remembered, so the Destination Network connections need to be configured as guest or anonymous writable.
- Improved Upgrade to report progress and reduce number of user prompts.
- Added support for NetView action log export.
- Added Print button to Action Log page.
- Added support for 6TB Destination drives.
- Preview:
- Added Logical Image select button to image viewer toolbar.
- Change permissions behavior of Hash and HexView.
- Add toolbar option to toggle display of per file and total sizes as bytes or compact (KB/MB/GB) format.
- Naming:
- Prefix the directory path with “S_” if the directory name starts with a number.
- Increase the allowed length for Naming file names to 255 characters.
- Added support for Investigator Information and Naming “Base Directory Name” so the user can specify the directory name. The directory name is required to have the {Timestamp} in the path to make sure each new action does not overwrite a previous action result.
- Front Panel – LCD:
- Updates to the LCD menu structure to split into sub-menus for System, Source Network, and Destination Network settings, and move Perform Action to the first menu entry.
- Added support for Prompt Investigator Case and Evidence Numbers when an action is started from the LCD. The user can “Inc/Dec”, “AutoInc” and “AutoInc/Pause” the last digits of the Investigator Case and Evidence numbers. Note, if the Case / Evidence number does not end in with a number, the field will not change.
- Change time remaining to display the same as the web page as “13h 3m 15s”.
- Added QuickStart support for Destination Network connections.
- Bug Fixes:
- Removed requiring ‘Config’ permission for editing Investigation Info.
- Fixed size calculation for SD Card to allow for devices larger than 2GB.
- Synchronize the time zone and daylight savings information when Ditto is booted or when the time / date is updated.
- Fixed problem with SMB performing extra DNS lookups even though it already had the IP address.
- Do not configure Source and/or Destination network interfaces if they do not have an active Ethernet link status.